Faculty and Areas of Expertise Click on the instructor's name to view their profile and learn more about their research area. If you are interested in working with a professor in their area, contact them directly. Accounting Khaled Abdou Mike Simon Lolita Paff Shahid Khan Agricultural Economics Janelle Larson Business Sudip Ghosh James Laurie Lolita Paff James Shankweiler Mitch Zimmer Computer Science Robert Zambanini Economics Sudip Ghosh Jui-Chi Huang Lolita Paff Engineering Amir Barakati Azar Eslam Panah Katherine Hauser Shiyoung Lee Dale Litwhiler Joe Mahoney Rungun Nathan Matthew Rhudy Ed Sauer Marietta Scanlon Allison Singles Terry Speicher Robert Zambanini Financial Services Khaled Abdou Sudip Ghosh Hospitality Management Jinyoung Im Pauline Milwood Jennifer Wakemen Information Sciences and Technology Michael Bartolacci William Bowers Abdullah Konak Cliff Maurer Mahdi Nasereddin Management Malika Richards Management Information Systems Sadan Kulturel-Konak Marketing Ada Leung
Research News at Penn State Berks Penn State Libraries researchers focus on findings that benefit society Berks Senior Spotlight: Diana Stoltzfus Virtual reality may help reduce perceived efforts while exercising